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RNase Remove

Fast | Effective | Safe



RNase Contamination: Biggest challenge in molecular biology


RNase contamination can create chaos and ruin an entire experiment as it can lead to RNA target degradation. Such contaminations can occur from time to time, even in experienced labs. 

Unfortunately, contamination sources will not be noticed unless inaccurate results demonstrate it. In fact, RNase is best described as a pain and hindrance that can lead to frustration and confusion to those working specially in RNA analysis. Despite following preventive practices, RNase contamination is still possible. 

To avoid RNase contamination, we recommend using RNase Remove, an easy and effective solution.


Decontamination solution that ensures effective elimination of RNase without compromising other biomolecules, instruments or equipment. It is fast, highly effective and safe to use.


Fast: Spray-Wait-Rinse
Inactivates RNase in five minutes. Spray on surface – Wait for 5 mins – Rinse with nuclease free water and wipe dry

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Easy to Use
Simple instructions to follow
Ideal solution - precisely formulated and ready-to-use. Packaged with a spray nozzle and flip top cap


Effective: Up to 100 µg
Highly active against RNase contamination. Efficacy demonstrated to inactivate up to 100 µg of dried RNase

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Convenient Storage
Requires no mixing. Can be stored at ambient room temperature

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Non-DEPC formulation
No damage or corrosion
No aggressive acids or alkaline substances used
No toxic fumes released


Decontaminates laboratory surfaces and work platforms, laboratory apparatus, plasticware and glassware, pipettes and other equipment 

Effective for laboratory glassware and plasticware




Our study also showed that no corrosive effect was seen when RNase Remove was tested on materials used in laboratory work platforms/ equipment. 

In the images of the material sheets that were captured before, during the procedure and post 20 minutes the area spotted with concentrated HCl shows a brown halo/ring shape on the surface indicating severe corrosion effect, while area spotted with RNase Remove did not show any corrosion. 

RNase Remove is non-corrosive and can be used safely on surfaces such as laboratory work platforms, laminar air flows, biosafety cabinets and other work surfaces or equipment.

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 Corrosive potential of RNase Remove tested using
three material sheets - SS 316, SS 304 and powder coated MS

Available in three options:


For ordering RNase Remove and all of our other high-quality product kindly contact or give us a call at +91.9004087254

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